The KCS "Shar train" (as the crew called it) is pulling through Meridan Yard early on a February morning, bound for Artesia, MS. Things were about to get interesting for this 1x1 DPU train, as about 3 seconds after I took this photo and getting a nice wave from the engineer, I heard the distinct whine of the EMD turbo immediately cease and the engineer swung in his seat as the slack jammed in from the rear. Turns out the head engine, as nice and new as it looks, had just died. The train drifted into the NS interlocking as it stopped, and tied up both railroads for the next hour as the crew and assisting trainmaster tried to get the 4188 restarted. The biggest problem was the SD70ACe has an air starter, and did not have enough air to attempt a restart, even with the DPU pumping from the rear. That is the hazard of having one of these units not coupled to another air-producing locomotive.