Posted by beano on November 22, 2015 
On the main. What a great picture Jim. Those steam engines really looked like they could kick some tail down the rail. Those Challengers really could move at a good click as they sometimes were used on the passenger trains UP ran and I am pretty sure they had no problems providing steam heat to the rest of the train an keeping them nice an cozy in the winter blizzards . The steam heat had a special distinct smell to it. All aboard, Im ready, lets roll . Dinner in the diner ,hot coffee and good steak with all the trimmings and snow blowing crossing though any ole town listening to the steel wheels hitting the switches and listening to the RR crossings signals gently coming into your ears and then then passing on there way and you thinking actually were passing on our way so lets enjoy our stay. Wish I was aboard this one and just thinking about dinner in the diner. Thanks for posting Jim, Cheers !
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