Posted by resmith466 on March 3, 2020 
Two questions if possible.. Here in Philly we bought these units also. Has RTD had any major problems with the units? ie Cracked bolsters and major brake issues. And the name Hyundai Eagle P3, Who came up with that? Ours never had an "official" name from Hyundai/Rotem.
Posted by BUFFIE on March 5, 2020 
Hello I have not heard of any major issues with the cars. The biggest problem RTD was having on the commuter lines were coordinating the automatic crossing gates. Regarding the "Eagle P3" this is info I pulled from the RTD web site. ********** What is similar to RTD's light rail system is that the commuter rail cars are also powered by electricity delivered via overhead wires. But the commuter rail system uses 25kV of AC power, while RTD's light rail system uses 750V of DC power. Hyundai Rotem USA is building the Eagle P3 commuter rails vehicles and will adhere to the Buy America law, with at least 60 percent of the vehicle made in America. Eagle P3 Commuter Rail Car Specifications: •Each railcar is 85 feet long •Railcar weight of 140,000 pounds •Runs in married pairs - two vehicles attached at once •Top speed of 79 mph •Seats 90 passengers per vehicle •Maximum number of 170 passengers per vehicle with standees •2 dedicated luggage storage racks per vehicle •2 bicycle/multi-purpose storage racks •Overhead carry-on storage areas running the length of the vehicle •Level-boarding at all entrances - no stairs •Two ADA/handicapped seating areas per vehicle •LCD screens and overhead announcements giving real-time updates on current location and upcoming stations
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