Posted by Troy Staten on July 6, 2021 
It's really to bad this one has not been restored, it would be perfect for the Grand Canyon Railroad.
Posted by Matt Giardino on July 7, 2021 
That's not entirely true. The locomotive was brought back to the US by a preservation organization and was displayed at the Altamont NY Fairgrounds for many years. When the Fairgrounds wanted to use the building it was in for other reasons it was moved to the former D&H shops in Colonie for storage. When the owner of the shops at that time decided it didn't want to lease the building to a nonprofit anymore it was moved to outside storage. Around that time well intentioned members of the nonprofit decided to lease the locomotive to the New Hope and Ivyland. The poorly worded lease stated that New Hope would restore the locomotive to operation and then used it for seven years. After the seven years of service New Hope would pay for the locomotive to be returned to Upstate New York. Due to changes at New Hope the work was suspended and the locomotive set on a back track. The nonprofit was unable to convince the railroad to restart restoration and due to the wording of the lease was unable to get the locomotive returned. As the remaining members of the nonprofit grew older it was decided to disband and transfer ownership to a different, younger, nonprofit. It was hoped this ownership transfer would allow the lease to be renegotiated, but due to unforeseen circumstances in the new nonprofit organization, this did not happen. So now the locomotive sits, waiting for a change of situation with either New Hope or the owner.
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