The Rocky Mountaineer passenger train passes through the cut in Coal Creek Canyon as it runs towards Denver, Colorado on the Moffat Tunnel Sub.
Canyon Walls The Rocky Mountaineer was delightfully on time today with matched power for a spectacular ride west through the Moffat Road’s tunnel district. Fall light pours into the d... (more)
The Rocky Mountaineer tour train curves eastbound along the Colorado River Road west of Bond, Colorado, on November 16, 2021.
The Rocky Mountain Express passenger train runs through the South Draw at Crescent which includes tunnels 13-16 on the Moffat Tunnel Sub.
The Rocky Mountaineer passes through Tunnel 14 and gets ready to enter tunnel 13 on the journey down the east side of the Colorado Rockies. It will soon arrive in Denver and drop off passengers w... (more)
Rocky Mountaineer's colorful passenger train runs through Tunnel 15 in the South Draw on the Moffat Tunnel Sub near Crescent, Colorado. The train has been a popular attraction as it runs a weekly ... (more)
Rocky Mountaineer's color-matched engine 8021 (GP40-3) runs through the South Draw on the Moffat Tunnel Sub near Crescent, Colorado.