During the late evening hours NS 108 (Birmingham,AL-Chattanooga,TN) finally arrived into the receiving yard after a long journey north up the NS AGS North-End from Norris Yard in the greater Birmingham area. On today NS 108 is a colorful power pool made up of a trio of BNSF motors, but much to our very surprise one BNSF 25th Anniversary locomotive was assigned to lead the heavy freight to Chattanooga. BNSF 6111 was one out of a dozen locomotive was to wear the emblems of all the fallen flags that made up the BNSF Company. Once the train arrived to the north-end of the receiving yard, the power will be cut off from the train and run to the shop of a quick service, and later on that evening being assigned to lead NS 372 to Atlanta.
From all American railroads, you will see all of the American railroad heritage units, Orginal paints, and sticker units displayed in this album by Railfan 225!