Steamlocomotives of the Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) exhibited in the large hall of the Museo Nazionale Ferroviario di Pietrarsa, south of Naples. From left to right: 0-6-0 tank engine 851 # 110 built by Breda in 1904. A total of 207 locomotives were built from 1898 to 1911.
2-8-0 736 # 114. Group 736 locomotives were steam locomotives built in the United States of America for the wartime needs of World War II and were classified USATC S160; 248 of them were, at the end of World War II, acquired into the Italian State Railways fleet.
2-8-0 741 # 137: The FS 741 series was a steam locomotive delivered to the Ferrovie dello Stato, which was created by converting the FS 740 into a Franco-Crosti locomotive. The steam locomotives were rebuilt in the Officina Grandi Riparazioni Verona repair works and used in mainline service in the north of Italy and in Sicily. Two locomotives have been preserved; the 741 120 is a running museum locomotive and the 741 137 is in the Pietrarsa Railway Museum.