Posted by BNSF SAMMY on December 3, 2006 
Cool shot, looks like there is a variaty of railroad workers and railfans attending.
Posted by Sam Davey on December 3, 2006 
What were they going to do with it. Was it going to be restored?
Posted by Jeffrey Weeks on December 3, 2006 
Posted by Nikko P on December 3, 2006 
Yes. I might be a little off in my answer but I what I remember is the San Bernardino Historical Society acquired the locomotive. It was already sitting on display in a park away from any live track so they had to build this temporary track to get it out of the park and onto active track.
Posted by Gregg Pullano on December 4, 2006 
Sam, 3751 was restored back to service over the following Five years.
Posted by Craig Walker on December 4, 2006 
Sam -- click on the "ATSF 3751" link to see photos of this great engine in service. (Having so many links, such as road numbers, locations, locomotive models, photographers, etc., is one of the great things about this site -- along with the quality of the photos, of course.)
Posted by SBRHS Tony on December 8, 2006 
Sam, Not only was it restored by the San Bernardino Railroad Society, It is currently in operating condition, FRA and Amtrak certified for mainline running up to 90MPH!
Posted by csx123 on December 8, 2006 
Beautiful. These are my favorite steamers of all time.
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