Posted by J. C. Smith, Jr. on February 25, 2008 
It's quite a coincidence that the Reading Crusader equipment should appear twice on the RailPictures site in one day. The first photo, 224271, shows it on the Reading behind steam, back in 1947, while this image, on the CN, was taken some 32 years later, and almost 29 years prior to it's posting. But there is another notable Budd product in this photo. The RDC-1 directly behind the Crudader observation is the original RDC, Budd 2960. It had been fitted with inboard-bearing, Pioneer III trucks as a test by the builder, and was sold to CN, as their 6110, so equipped. The shining, outboard-bearing disk brakes highlight the change. Later, under VIA ownership, this anceatral RDC would regain standard RDC trucks.
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