Posted by Paul Lusk on September 21, 2008 
So, Anyone know the story on this one?
Posted by onondagafred23a on September 22, 2008 
The crossing gate still works!
Posted by Doug Wolfe on September 22, 2008 
Nice shot. I did a quick Google search which shows 20 cars of a 69 car freight derailed. There was a brief evacuation but no chemicals leaked from tank cars. No injuries and no cause for the accident are listed.
Posted by Dave Howarth Jr. on September 23, 2008 
Anyone interested in one free signal assembly? I don't think they used the same signal after repairs were made considering the assembly is laying in the middle of the road. Great Shot!
Posted by R.D. NUTTER JR. on October 5, 2008 
Ah just piece the wayside signal back together it will be good.
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