Posted by John Ireland on February 12, 2009 
A popular rumor around Pittsburgh is that the Homestead stacks where not left as a reminder of the past, but rather because the cost to safely removed the Asbestos inside them was prohibitively high.
Posted by Jerry Palmer on February 12, 2009 
John, An excellent picture in great light. I don't think there is a more complete place in America that better summarizes our nation's entropic conversion from a manufacturing powerhouse for the world into a nation that makes almost nothing of value to the world other than a place to market their wares. Watching this stack train roll east by the hulking remains of USS is like seeing an in-your-face assault from the Chinese as this trainload of products manufactured in their nation nears its destination with the American consumer...whose money will soon return to China. Thanks for sharing this image.
Posted by David Nutter on February 12, 2009 
Great shot!
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