Posted by Leonard P Torney on April 14, 2009 
Nice shot. I bet you had to wait to wait awhile to get it. I went to Flag twice last week, saw 1 train each trip between Holbrook and Flagstaff. Traffic on the transcon has been s-l-o-w lately.
Posted by Chris C. Shaffer on April 14, 2009 
Funny you say that...While I did wait for lots of trains on this trip - some that never did come :-( I was actually chasing an eastbound train when I saw this one coming in the distance. I quickly pulled over, jumped out of the car and sprinted to the tracks just in time to get this shot.
Posted by Leonard P Torney on June 22, 2009 
With 2 warbonnets no less! Some guys have all the luck...
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