Posted by Nscalemike on May 15, 2009 
Congrats on the Screeners Choice Sir James...well deserved
Posted by Frank Keller on May 15, 2009 
Heck of shot James. The Colorado River did a heck of job carving that canyon. Nice place to run a railroad. PCA from me.
Posted by Ross Fotheringham on May 15, 2009 
Wow it's like a red rocks version of the Northwests Columbia/Snake River Gorges. Very cool man.
Posted by on May 15, 2009 
Well that's the difference between red sandstone, and black basalt! Both locations put "big horsepower" in their proper perspective!
Posted by Jeff Abbott on May 15, 2009 
Well worth the SC, and you got a PCA from this end. Killer shot, no doubt!
Posted by Jim Thias on May 15, 2009 
Excellent scene, James. Another vote for you as well.
Posted by Chris Nuthall on May 15, 2009 
Another good day on the branch by the looks of it - great shots as usual, especially with former DRGW power leading!
Posted by John West on May 16, 2009 
As I look at this picture I have to chuckle at the money my former employer spent hiring a professional photog to get some pix of our units on that branch....and the poor ATM from Grand Junction ended up having to dog catch the crew as well. Heck, we should have just hired you.
Posted by Jeff Terry on May 19, 2009 
Trains coupled with one of my favorite places on earth...southern Utah. What a great shot!
Posted by Michael F. Allen on May 27, 2009 
I've been enjoying your Cane Creek Sub photo series but this one really caught my eye. Everyone shoots from the other side, so it's nice to see a shot from the north side.
Posted by Óscar on September 2, 2013 
Belmont means quality :-) Remind me to see every single picture by you, they are worth a whole afternoon dedicated to them. Congrats.
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