Posted by Walter Scriptunas II - on July 28, 2009 
Amazing shot Tom. Wish I was around during these amazing tests.
Posted by Walter Scriptunas II - on July 28, 2009 
Amazing shot Tom. Wish I was around during these tests, it must have been one heck of a site.
Posted by on July 29, 2009 
Wow, Tom. Just a very powerful images. Outstanding image. And to think, those C&O signals still exist on the New River Sub.
Posted by Ken Kuehne on July 29, 2009 
Terrific shot! A very moving image of steam in winter.
Posted by cmdrflake on July 29, 2009 
I will miss steam in bad weather like this. We'd best get our pictures fast, because steam will not be out much longer. It will be too difficult in all respects to fire up and run mainline steam.
Posted by Bob Avery on July 29, 2009 
In those pre-internet days the tests were all over before I heard about them. If only I had known....(not that I had any money then for a transatlantic airfare, and I had 2 very young children, but...) One can only hope that one day something like this will happen again, without a couple of P42s tucked in behind to help out! What a fabulous picture - winter steam railroading at its best.
Posted by rtchugg614 on July 30, 2009 
4000hp working hard
Posted by David Honan on August 4, 2009 
Tom, I loved this peek back in time at what the C&O once looked like when you first posted it, and I love it even more now that it's earned a well-deserved POTW. Congrats!
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