Posted by Mitch Goldman on August 25, 2009 
The never ending landscapes of Utah once again unfold before us in such splendid ways via Mr Utah himself.
Posted by Chris Nuthall on August 25, 2009 
Another top shot, James
Posted by Jeff Abbott on August 25, 2009 
Congrats on the SC award. That yagi on the phone pole reminds me.... Hopefully they extend the radio code line past Gilluly soon, the east side is better than nothing.
Posted by Nscalemike on August 25, 2009 
Congrats on the S/C award Sir James.!
Posted by Frank Keller on August 26, 2009 
Very nice James. One of my favorite places in all of Utah. I hope to dig out a few golden oldies from this location to share with fellow Rio Grande fans at the upcoming convention after that I will post afew here as well. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by Scott McClarrinon on September 2, 2009 
Congrats on the Screener's Choice, James! Beautiful shot.
Posted by Craig Walker on January 4, 2010 
Spectacular! Of course, it'd be better with Rio Grande power, but that is beyond your control...
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