Posted by David Honan on January 14, 2010 
"A proper signal system" would have involved an incredible amount of capital spending that traffic on this line likely does not justify given that it's TWC territory in the first place. There's a reason the switch completion forms were instituted shortly afterward: a system of verification was required which did not necessitate a business operating with the ultimate goal of making a profit to unreasonably expend scarce capital resources on unnecessary equipment. I also think your lede is quite sensational given what occurred on that unfortunate day five years ago -- the signal is doing exactly the job it is intended to do.
Posted by Darrell Krueger on January 14, 2010 
That isn't a dysfunctional signal, nor a spring switch indicator. It is a distant switch indicator.
Posted by Darrell Krueger on January 15, 2010 
I've been corrected, it is indeed a spring switch indicator, but still for the distant switch at Vaucluse.
Posted by Steve Herring on January 21, 2010 
Not being familiar with the track layout in the area...I see spur diverging to the LEFT; is this the spur where the P22 was parked? Perhaps you meant converging to the right?
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