Posted by Bernie Feltman on January 8, 2012 
215/415/615 were usually early to mid-morning arrivals in the Opelika-Auburn area. The later in the day they ran, the more apt I was to chase them for photos as the sun would be to my back. Great composition with the old coal chute, David !
Posted by David Harris on January 8, 2012 
Thanks. I had followed this train from near Hartsfield and made several shots. Knew I was getting funny readings off the meter, but didn't find 'til visiting camera shop later that the meter and shutter speeds on my nearly new Nikkormat were off by a mile and it had to be returned to Nikon for a fix. Between hazy day and bum camera, this was the only shot that was OK.
Posted by Darrell Krueger on January 8, 2012 
Awesome shot, David! A few things to note about this scene now: The NPD has a new building just off of the engineers side, the lateral bracing and roof of the coaling tower are gone, along with the WPR hearald. The reflectors on the microwave tower have been replaced, and there's a new absolute, Vader-hood signal that sits under the coaling tower. How's that for decades of change?
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