Posted by J Moller on March 22, 2012 
Thanks for sharing this rare view of the unit at the end of its career. (There is one other view on the database only a few weeks later showing it in the shop at Nelson.) I suspect the control stand used to have a cover over the throttle and transition levers. Here is a link to an operating manual for a similar unit:
Posted by Bernie Feltman on March 22, 2012 
An amazing photo, Doug. I've been in many cabs just like this one and I never tire of seeing another. The bridge is stunning and, of importance to me, the green "section" flags rolled up and on the dash ready for display make this photo complete !
Posted by Josh Bomar on March 24, 2012 
I love the cabs on the cab units. I like how they look like cockpits!
Posted by Mitch Goldman on March 25, 2012 
CP 4105 - estimated winds zero niner zero at three zero - gusts four seven - runway one three left - clear to land. Wild shot, Doug!
Posted by Darren Boes on March 26, 2012 
Now there's a piece of history - thanks for sharing!
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