Posted by Rich Ribarevski on September 27, 2012 
Cristiano, this is the first time I have seen a train symbol for a train on EFC. Do you have any further information on how EFC assigns train IDs? Always enjoy your photos Rich Ribarevski
Posted by Cristiano Oliveira on September 27, 2012 
Hi Rich, I do have. Let's see... trains that goes port-mine bound are trains odd numbered as M-001, C-015, P-21 and so on... trains mine-port bound are even numbered as M-002, C-016, P-22 and so on. The main trains running here are iron trains distinguished by the letter M, general freigh trains distiguinshed by letter C and the passenger train by letter P. The other trains are MoW trains distiguinshed by letter A, V or R , Light Power distiguinshed by letter L , Especial Trains (especial trains are trains with oversize loads like mining equipment or danger cargo like mining explosives), emergency trains distiguinshed by letter S and test train distiguinshed by letter T. Well.. that's pretty much it, any doubts just let me know! My best, Cristiano Oliveira.
Posted by rail51 on January 8, 2014 
i just counted 27 loaded hoppers. its not kilometers its miles.
Posted by Cristiano Oliveira on January 8, 2014 
So you counted wrong... and if you use miles to measure distance and anything else that's good for you, here in Brazil we use Kilometers and meters not miles.
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