Considering how difficult it would be to make one of those "Willowbrook Dildos" look halfway palatable I think they did a pretty nice job with the design. I'm not yet sure what I think about that shade of green though...
Posted by on July 28, 2013 | |
Hmm BN colors!
Looks abit better over the previous paint scheme. Hopefully cheaper to paint as well for the sake of the Ontario taxpayers. The nickname for these units is appropriate.
I don't think the 'hockey mask' scheme is/was perfect, but at least it followed the lines of the MP40s nicely -- especially when viewed broadside. It looks here like they've already tinkered with the new scheme since its debut, having changed the font and color of the road number and moved it back from the corners. If only they'd also gone back to the logo with the fine T-shape as well. It's a lot less clunky...
The new scheme will help show off the bug-guts better!