Posted by Rich Brown on January 25, 2014 
It would seem these apartments overlooking the station could be a really great place to live. I imagine they are probably priced accordingly.
Posted by Dana M. on March 10, 2014 
In response to Rich's comment about the apartments: The price for the apartments MAY be negotiable depending on the seller. As a rail fan, one could feign 'contempt' at the location and "complain" about the fact that the trains operate just below your windows and that the disturbance and congestion caused by the railroads should be able to knock the price down a little since living there could become an incredible inconvenience and disturbance, but then again this is California we're talking about and it's San Diego which is a HUGE tourist gathering attraction - so it's most likely very 'pricey' to say the least. Either way, if I could afford it, I'd consider taking an apartment there, but the taxes alone aren't worth it!
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