Posted by J Moller on January 31, 2014 
Look at photo #436640 to see this unit in 2013 stripped of its trucks sitting on the ground at Cheyenne.
Posted by Nscalemike on January 31, 2014 
Fantastic look back..thanks for sharing James.
Posted by Hiawatha Pete on January 31, 2014 
Great shot, with the E units smoking it up like a steamer and the wall of mountains background. Hiawatha Pete.
Posted by Mitch Goldman on January 31, 2014 
I'll second Mike's comment and add that that's one sharp looking train - even without a steam engine on the point.
Posted by Max Wipperman on January 31, 2014 
This shot proves that I have never been disappointed when I see a Belmont photograph! Superb shot, James!
Posted by Craig Williams on January 31, 2014 
Wow, what a shot. Railroading sure isnt what it use to be.
Posted by on February 1, 2014 
This is a moment cherished in time......
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