Posted by Randy on December 1, 2016 
I learned a long time ago to NEVER put your camera down after the engines go by. Always be ready for a gem like this. Great catch.
Posted by J.PO on December 1, 2016 
I just saw a Cotton Belt auto rack repaint, it may have been the one you posted awhile back. I wonder how many of those are out there
Posted by Steve Larson on December 2, 2016 
Love it, James. Another great find. Now I know what I need to do for my model RR.
Posted by James Belmont on December 2, 2016 
Good news! After being in storage at Pueblo, Colorado for an extended period of time, DRGW hopper No. 12663 is again in revenue service, traveling from Denver to West Elk, Colorado for coal loading on Dec. 2, 2016.
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