Posted by Dennis A. Livesey on May 17, 2017 
Very nice. "The Trains and Tripods program"? I like it! Here's to other museums taking up that idea. Your photos have brought up the fact that on a cab-forward, both crewmen could not glance, they had to crane around, to see the most important gauge in the cab, the water.
Posted by Jeff Sell on May 17, 2017 
It's interesting what the engineers (builders) did to allow the locomotive engineer to operate 'backwards'. I see the back of the locomotive engineer's chair in the lower left of the photo. Did the throttle pull towards the back head of the locomotive (towards the locomotive engineer) or did it push away? Also interesting, now that the locomotive engineer is facing backwards, he is now technically sitting or operating the locomotive from the left side of the cab (as opposed to the right side in a normal steam locomotive).
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