Posted by Dana M. on March 15, 2019 | |
Interesting photo and fascinating information Mike! No wonder the experiment ended with this "shifty" load - that whole center "column" isn't tied down with any tie-downs, and looks like it will fall over/off the car at any minute. Also - this is like securing a flatcar of gravel with tie-downs - and yes, I have seen a photo of that actually occurring, in fact I have a copy of that photo (as a "meme") downloaded on my computer.
Posted by FSWood on March 16, 2019 | |
Oh, the folks over at a couple large scale model train forums might enjoy this.
Should have used a box car.
I would suggest a huge wood chip hopper.
Posted by rob216 on March 16, 2019 | |
Using a telephone pole flat car with the body stakes would have been the answer.
Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s BN handled a lot of hay from Ellensburg, WA to Florida. It worked for them because they could utilize older 86 ft. hi-cube auto parts cars. It also helped keep the hay from being exposed to the weather. I doubt that tis would be very economical to use smaller box cars. Most long distance hay from central WA seems to be loaded in containers these days, with much of it exported. Not sure if any goes to Florida that way.
Stack em like bricks!!
Hay now, hay now, don't dream it's over.
Nice contribution Mike. I wonder if the 'rolled-up hay' would fare better? Lay them flat and stack them. They would probably obey tie-downs too. Just a thought
I've heard that hay can grow at different rates, depending on which state you're in.
They need to try the bulk shipment of hay some more. In the Valley they grow some of the finest alfalfa in the world and it’s shipped all over, selling at a premium price. Keep working guys. You need the revenue.