Posted by Paul P on August 14, 2020 
How cool is that?? Great EBT is back!
Posted by Mark G. Gayman on August 14, 2020 
Why non-alcoholic? See General Rule G: "The use of intoxicants by employees subject to duty, or their possession or use while on duty is prohibited, and will be considered an extremely serious offense which will normally subject the offender to dismissal." This rule, in various forms and designations, has been around a long time. There's even a line in the movie "Union Pacific" that goes like, "Where does so-and-so keep his Rule G?"
Posted by Jeff Sell on August 16, 2020 
Nicely captured action photo. It neat that both Millie's were able to be brought together again to recreate the same events from 60 years ago.
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