Posted by beano on September 18, 2021 
Beside those classic units look at the curved roof PRR boxcar an the rest of those 40 footer boxcars. Lot to see in this photo. Look at that sign, you could almost see it from Joliet. Chicago Chicago its my kind of town.
Posted by bradley on September 18, 2021 
I second Beano's comments. So much to watch here. Even the "Meadow Gold" sign. Drank a lot of MG milk at school. Thanks for posting!
Posted by Troy Staten on September 19, 2021 
What a wonderful photo, a perfect consist on the train as well. Thanks for showing us.
Posted by Jeff Swanson on September 21, 2021 
Hmmm. Never new that about a red flag. Really enjoy your posts Roger. Thanks!
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