The SBB Cargo locomotive Re 484 012, paintred in the special paint scheme "Klimafreundlich Schiene + Güter" (Climate-friendly rail + goods), is leading an autorack train, loaded with new Volkswag... (more)
Bombardier TRAXX F140 MS Re 484 # 012 of the SBB has a special paint scheme "Klimafreundlich Schiene + Güter", viewed in the Limmattal shunting yard (RBL).
Bombardier TRAXX F140 MS Re 484 # 012 of SBB Cargo is pulling the freight train 63120 from Gossau via Winterthur-Kloten-Regensdorf to the Limmattal shunting yard (RBL) at Winterthur Tössmühle.
SBB Cargo 484 012 passes Jestetten area with mixed freight 44612 from Limmattal yard to Singen.