A Phoenix bound vehicle train is about to pass under the Route 66 overpass, just east of Flagstaff.
Colorful locomotives are parked on the former CNJ Tremley Point branch while their train is being off loaded at a nearby ethanol terminal.
It's golden hour in Abo Canyon as a stack train rolls West.
BNSF 5541 slow-rolls south down UP's West Belt Sub in north Houston. The train is nearing its destination at UP's Englewood Yard, having originated on the BNSF in Teague, TX.
BNSF ES44C4 5541 climbs west on the Seligman Sub with a loaded grain train in tow.
BNSF ES44C4 5541 tips over the grade at McPhetridge momentarily before another climb in and out of Flagstaff.
Very clean BNSF ES44C4 5541 climbs the stiff grade between West Darling and Flagstaff with a heavy loaded grain train in tow.
A heavy grain train climbs the hill from West Darling through the curves.