BNSF priority intermodal races east near Denair Ca. on a cold Friday afternoon.
A group of heavies wait in the BNSF engine servicing facility yard for assignment to a train.
BNSF7266 is the sole power on this nights Boeing turn. Here the job sits in Connell siding, waiting for an eastbound on the main to pass before proceeding east up to Newton.
One of the many stack trains running along BNSF's Cajon Subdivision passes beneath the signal bridge at Hill 582 on a beautiful summer morning.
Westbound Control Section Walker - An eastbound stack train works hard against the grade while passing through WBCS Walker in the Cajon Pass.
Walker by Morning - I had seen some photos shot from this end of C.P. Walker, so I figured I might join the Walker by morning club.
With the temperature an uncharacteristically cold 8 degrees, fresh snow on the ground, and residue of the previous night's ice fog clinging to everything in sight, winter is in the air on a crisp,... (more)
After meeting the eastbound Empire Builder, the H-NTWPAS is back on the main and picking up speed in advance of Malta.