The new turnout installed at Bridge 60 allows DL-3 to be pulled, rather than pushed to Taylor. Here, M630 3007 and M636 3602 move loads up the grade out from Bridge 60.
With 84 loads waiting at Taylor, a five unit lash up is ready for the task.
PO-75 power returns light to Mt Pocono from Cresco after setting off lumber loads at Bestway.
Starting up 3007.
DL-3 returns from Taylor.
The usual trio of six axles drags PO-74 this Sunday morning.
Delaware Lackawanna PO-74 works at Tobyhanna amid a fresh blanket of snow that arrived a week before Christmas 2022.
Three DL six-axles lead PO-74 past a snow and ice-covered Snag Pond in Gouldsboro on a chilly late fall morning.
A Pocono Ordinary rounds the curve east of the former DL&W signal bridge at Elmhurst, PA.
On the move to drill cars.
Waiting to begin the workday.
With a double ended (power) DL-3 this morning; PO-74 got underway later than usual. Passing through Gouldsboro en route to switch Toby.
Pushing sand cars into Taylor.
Delaware Lackawanna power idling at Scranton.