The Railjet is a high speed train of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB), which was introduced with the timetable change of 2008–2009. The railjet is the premier service of the ÖBB and operate... (more)
She came with me for all day to a photo tour... because she wanted to be in the nature. A mixed freight pass the Canyon among Alsógalla stop and Szárliget on a sunny afternoon.
InterCity train "Lővér-Halászbástya" hauls towards Sopron via Győr and Csorna.
GySEV's new advertisement: the "Széchenyi-lok" speeds towards Budapest Keleti pu. with Intercity train #937 "Lővér-Halászbástya". It runs between Sopron - Budapest (Lővér IC) and Gr... (more)
Rapid train #9207 from Szombathely/Sopron towards Budapest passes under the Cliff of Alsógalla.
MMV's loaded coal train passes near Alsógalla, in the "Canyon". It's running between the slovakian border and Dunaújváros (steel works)