Malabar Express Train From Malang Station with destination to Bandung Station passing Kadungora curve in Garut, Jawa Barat .
Serayu train curving at leles area
Curving complete from Argo Wilis train
Lodaya train curving
Serayu train purpose purwokerto-pasar senen preparation pass big arch in the background hills
Serayu train through the hills
CC20417 leads the Malabar Express, passing Citiis Bridge. The Train Routes is Malang to Bandung,VV.
Malabar train meet pasundan train at Karang Sari station, Garut, West Java
Shot from the hills, a serayu train was passing a village at Leles, West Java
Serayu train passing Kadungora hill road to Kroya city via Tasikmalaya and Banjar city
Pasundan train was at Karang Sari Station