With a light rain falling, Chessie WM 7547 in fresh paint has a eastbound crossing Jacobs Creek on the B&O Keystone sub at, Jacobs Creek, Pennsylvania. October 4, 1988. Jack D Kuiphoff © photo
CSX auto train M214 slows to a stop as it approaches Jacobs Creek, Pennsylvania behind a pair of AC4400's. The train has just gotten a dragging equipment defect on the lead locomotive from the Sm... (more)
Wheeling and Lake Erie’s Connellsville to Rook train crosses the bridge at Jacobs Creek.
C hessie B&O 4334 is west bound on track two at, Jacobs Creek, PA 6/25/1986
A well-powered eastbound passes the strange little town of Jacobs Creek.
Westbound across the Banning Trestle and above CSX's Pittsburgh Sub
Q226 operates opposite main eastbound on number one track due to trackwork on two track to the west.
This abandoned house is in an interesting location - about 5 feet from the road and 12 from the railroad!