Old Meets New at Maywood (part 2)
The engineer of the westbound Sparta local gives a friendly wave while passing the Maywood Station Museum. NYS&W Alco S2 #206 is cosmetically resto... (more)
Old Meets New at Maywood (part 1)
Two completely different eras of Susquehanna motive power are represented here. An off-schedule SU100 is seen passing through Maywood at 7:42pm on a ... (more)
The nose of NYS&W 206 is illuminated by the headlight of a Susquehanna SD40T-2 as it performs some switching moves just west of Maywood Station. The 206 was cosmetically restored to this 1950s-er... (more)
A re-crewed Sparta local heads back to Ridgefield Park on a crystal clear Saturday afternoon. It is assumed that the WS-5 crew outlawed in the early AM hours, with their work complicated by heavy... (more)