Meet at Saulsbury. UP 5617 leads an eastbound intermodal past a westbound manifest at Saulsbury in the rolling hills of western Tennessee.
NS 225 negotiates the hogbacks at Saulsbury
The hot intermodal train 225 hustles down the main line in Saulsbury, Tennessee, while both 334 & 362 wait in the very long siding at Smyth.
That's NS 362 in the hole for 225.
Approaching west end of Saulsbury siding.
Shot from the access road off James Smith Road. Another good spot for railfan camping provided the garbage dump on James Smith Road isn't on fire and the wind is blowing from the west.
Pulling out of the sag approaching Saulsbury
Road switcher on return trip to Corinth.
DPU helper on eastbound coal loads.
DPU helper.
Coal loads meet NS 225 at Saulsbury
West end of Saulsbury siding.
New and old. Looking west the main line has wooden cross ties while the new siding has steel cross ties.