MMA Plow Extra plowing the Van Buren Subdivision near MP 5
For a second consecutive day, MMA has allowed the matched pair of MMA-painted B39-8Es to work together - this time heading over the border for the railoads' only New Brunswick operations. The MMA... (more)
Plow Extra coming out of Van Buren after a heavy snow storm followed by a half inch of ice.
Clean-up of part of CN's 53 car derailment in St. Leonard NB taken from the U.S. side looking acrossed the St. John River. CN 2595 leads one of the first trains that passed the derailment site af... (more)
The road was clear before the plow
Plow Extra in Van Buren and is about a quarter of a mile from the end of the branch line
As the plow extra goes along Route 1 it hits the snow
Two huge storms caused a plow extra to be come out. Where are the tracks ?
MMA Plow extra near MP 11 on the Van Buren Sub. Train had to stop shortly after the picture to fix the light on the plow
MMA Van Buren Job with B39-8 8578 just outside Van Buren headed to ST. Leonard New Brunswick Canada
Sponsored by the 470 RR Club, BAR F3 no. 502 and GP-7 no. 23 run around the passenger cars (from were the photo was taken) putting the 502 as the leader southbound for the remainder of the trip.