M47 1213 and M41 2157 are hauling a local train to Mohács.
Passenger train 8123 arriwes with about 20 minutes late to Vokány stop. This train would originally be hauled by an MDmot unit, but that day it was pressing to take the M62 loco back to Pécsbán... (more)
The Pécs-Mohács-Pécs local train today delivered some wood to Mohács (you can see it on picture #249869) after, it took the bri... (more)
The bridge and overpass elements for the new M6 motorway construction are beeing deliveried by railroad from Dunaújváros to Mohács.
Concrete elements are being transported to Mohács to be built into the future overpasses on the motorway among Bátaszék and Mohács.