45108 stands in the platform at Swanwick Junction as 47401 departs on the rear of a train to Butterley.
45108 arrives at Swanwick Junction with a train from Butterley.
45041 stands in the station at Loughborough during an EMRPS photo charter
45115 heads west through Cardiff with some empty coaching stock.
45144 'ROYAL SIGNALS' stands with a pair of 25s at Vic Berry's in Leicester and await their turn for cutting.
In the fog of a bitter winters day D123, heavily delayed at this point, heads towards Leicester North with the first ever diesel train on the GCR at least to utilise an ex Ireland Mk1 steam heat g... (more)
D123 heads a demonstration TPO (Travelling Post Office) train on the Great Central Railway. The leading vehicle was on its maiden run after restoration and special permission is given for increase... (more)