A view out the door to the rear vestibule of Webb Rail’s beautiful former Northern Pacific dome/coach No. 549 (now WEBX 801045) on the back of Amtrak’s eastbound California Zephyr. The train i... (more)
Classy Northern Pacific Budd dome/coach No. 549, now WEBX 801045, brings up the markers of Amtrak’s eastbound California Zephyr at Denver Union Station. The platform is bustling on the eve of Se... (more)
Look at how far we've come! Three years ago today, October 23, 2017, former Northern Pacific Railway Budd built dome/coach 549 (WEBX 801045) was in the shop and restoration was well under way. Wha... (more)
Parlor Seating. As part of the restoration and upgrade process of Webb Rail’s former Northern Pacific 549 (WEBX 801045 dome/coach) the coach seats were removed in one end and replaced with full ... (more)
Glassy and classy. The Loewy green of Webb Rail's pair of former Northern Pacific Railway domes 313 (WEBX 801044) and 549 (WEBX 801045) are coupled together on the morning of Sunday, September 20,... (more)
Stopping where we used to stop. The consist for Amtrak (64) Maple Leaf was laid up near the old station in Niagara Falls, New York overnight, which was formerly the Lehigh Valley Railroad's office... (more)