Probably one of the last fully loaded ammonia wagons from Russia with two class Dr16 diesel locomotives climbing the hill of Kortteinen. The train from Niirala border went to Yara? factory. Origin... (more)
Llanos de Soto, where the offices and workshops of the Vallenar division of FERRONOR railroad are located, and which is also the place where the Vallenar - Huasco railway branch connects with the ... (more)
While roaming around Kansas City, I stumbled upon this crazy-colorful consist on this Knoche-Argentine transfer. Here, it's pulling through the Gooseneck, alongside a southbound coal train out of... (more)
Aurizon's 2805 and 2488H powers through Sunshine Station, Brisbane with Y874, Container Service, which is bound for the Port of Brisbane...
EMD GP49 locomotives that belonged to Alaska Railroad, already discharged into the Valparaiso harbour, and in preparation for transport to Maestranza of FERRONOR in Coquimbo. These locomotives wer... (more)
GP38-2 2805 leads three much newer and larger 6 axle units on Q501 as it moves at less then a walking pace through the site of January 9th's derailment of Q507. A GP38-2 leading a mainline freigh... (more)
Viaduc de Cahuzac
2805 4 carriage Cityrail southbound passenger train.
CSX Detour train on NYS&W