Dopravní podnik hlavního mesta Prahy a.s. CKD Tatra/Pragoimex T3R.PLF 8267 approaches the stop at Sidliste Petriny whilst working route 2 on 11th May 2023. 8267 was built in 1983 as T3SUCS 7... (more)
Alco RSD16 8267 of NCA arriving with an empty train from Pergamino.
NMBS/SNCB 8267 "Palma" is entering the "Petroleumbrug" with a freight train to one of the refineries in the port of Antwerpen. The "Petroleumbrug" does not exist anymore. The ports and factories n... (more)
NMBS/SNCB 8267 "Palma" has just crossed the combined road/rail cantileverbridge (Petroleumbrug) in the port of Antwerp with a number of tank cars.
A single BNSF unit pills a train of covered hoppers past the elevator and scale house in the little town of Buffalo IL.
A host of SD75Ms, including plenty of Warbonnets, rest amongst the Oakways in storage at Northtown Yard.
From left to right: EMD GT22 #9090 ( originally #9206) waiting for orders with empty flat cars. In the middle an ALCo RSD16 switching and at right the german VW Passat FSI. "A mi sí que me va bi... (more)