Shunter 0-6-0 steamlocomotive E 3/3 ("Tigerli" or "Perlen-Tiger") # 8492 of Papierfabrik Perlen (Perlen paper works), loaned to the Steam Group Zürich for operation. The locom... (more)
Shunting 0-6-0 steamlocomotive E 3/3 ("Tigerli" or "Perlen-Tiger") # 8492 of Papierfabrik Perlen (Perlen paper works), loaned to the Steam Group Zürich for operation. The loco... (more)
"Perlen-Tiger" (locomotive called tiger of the Perlen paper works) E 3/3 # 8492, built in 1909 by SLM Winterthur, arrived at Wohlen with a passenger train from Brugg (AG). The locomotive... (more)
Shunting 0-6-0 steamlocomotive E 3/3 "Tigerli" or "Perlen-Tiger") # 8492 of Papierfabrik Perlen (Perlen paper works), loaned to the Steam Group Zürich for operation. The locom... (more)
One of the most interesting spots for photographing streetcars in Prague is the small throughway on the street Letenska, west of the river Moldau. Not only tight by space, but also lighted only a ... (more)
Freighter train of FEPSA , arriving at the yard of Villa Diego, by the ALCO RSD-16 8492.
Shunting locomotive "Tigerli" (little tiger) E 3/3 8492 of Perlen paper factory with a passenger train from Zürich via Wettingen to Mellingen and Lenzburg on the 1.3 % grade near Dättwil. This i... (more)
Shunting locomotive E 3/3 8492 (former SBB, now Perlen paper works) with a charter special for costumers from Lucerne to the Swiss Steel works in Emmenbrücke.
Former SBB "Tigerli" (little tiger) shunting locomotive E 3/3 8492, now belonging to paper works Perlen, with a passenger train on the line trough the Sihl valley (Sihltal-Zürich-Uetliberg Bahn S... (more)