Running on CSX’s former C&O main this EB grain train rounds a sweeping curve as Summerail participants look on admiringly. I sometimes pays to hike a little.
BNSF 4144 flys out of Tunnel 3 on the Fallbridge Sub.
BNSF 4144 and a few other motors wait on the team track surrounded by another late season snow.
After setting out a few dozen empty grain hoppers and WIR 20 at Spangle, a W&I grain shuttle (with BNSF road power) works southward through the fertile Palouse toward its ultimate destination at O... (more)
Leaving the yard. Sprawled out behind the slowly advancing BNSF grainer, the 20 bumbles around the yard with two tankers in tow, fresh from down the line. The small, weedy yard is perfect f... (more)
18. The exhaust drifts back as the power from the dpu's is needed for the long climb in store for this train to Summit, MT. You miss the head end power when you are new to the area and don't reali... (more)
After three days of heavy rain, the sun peaks through the clouds as the westbound UPS train nears its destination Hobart Yard, 2.5 miles away.
Somehow the sun managed to hit the front and rear section of the train between all the clouds.
Northbound freight
Q51330 rounds the Northwest Wye in Deshler headed for Garrett with a duo of BNSF power.