On a beautiful July evening, the Agawa Canyon Tour Train rolls south at Heyden, returning to Sault Ste. Marie. First photo in the database from my summer working in the Soo!
Still decked out in the aquired paintscheme, CN 106 leads some of the new Agawa Canyon Tour Train passenger equipment through a brief 10MPH speed restriction twisting through endless curves and No... (more)
After over 100 miles of pure Northern Ontario forests, the southbound Tour of the Line is back to civilization as it twists through the small hamlet and ski resort of Searchmont, Ontario. The tire... (more)
The Tour of the Line crosses over Belleview Valley in the final leg of its 10 hour journey from Hearst-Sault Ste. Marie. A nice mix of ACR, Gov't of Canada, and recently aquired ski train equipmen... (more)
The last of the newly aquired ACR equipment to remain in its origional paintscheme leads the soutbound Agawa Canyon Tour train through its final few miles just north of Sault Ste. Marie. Upon arri... (more)