NS 3322 pushing a local Westbound at Fostoria Rail Yard
The crew of L76 has the "air-conditioning" on full blast as the train accelerates out of Fostoria. Up ahead at Arcadia, the train will swing onto the Lima District for the trip to Findlay.
The engineer of L76 prepares to kick a car back into the yard while traffic from I-75 rushes overhead. In just a few minutes, L76's counterpart from Lima will arrive to exchange cars and some smal... (more)
Probably ought to pay attention to this "high water" sign...
NS local L76 is pushing back into the Cooper Tire plant at the end of an industrial spur in Findlay, OH.
Almost street running! NS L76 pushes back into the industrial spur that leads alongside a street back to the Cooper Tire plant in Findlay.
93K switches empty grain cars just east of blair yard as 17k rolls by behind it. seen across a fresh crop of corn, In a few months this corn will probalby end up in one of the many grain hoppers o... (more)
A local heads out of the yard in Fostoria headed west.