Power for SP's Willamina Local heads up the spur to Willamina Lumber Company so it can switch out the plant. A log truck on Main Street is taking another load of raw material to the mill.
The Newberg Turn passes a Little League softball game on a sunny Northwest spring day.
Power for the Willamina Local heads up the spur to switch out Willamina Lumber Company.
Old, Cold, and elegant. Some SP SD9Es await Christmas.
Just recently the Schellville dead line lost a former Northcoast Railway, ex-SP GP9. Now three former SP SD9Es await the future with two former BLE F units on a sunny day before Christmas 2016.
What once was a celebrity SP unit (displayed on the cover of 'Southern Pacific Oregon Division', by Vic Neves and Brian Jennison) is now just another peice of RR equipment that is sitting, rusting... (more)
"EMD". Nikon D70, 18-70mm. www.bayarearailroading.com
Now privately owned, SP 4436 sits on former NWP trackage near the Schellville depot, along with a few cars and an SP caboose.
Abandoned Northwestern Pacific rolling stock
I found this Espee jewel on old track in the Sonoma Valley. SP 4436 could use a touch of paint and would look good as new ;-).