38500 Horsepower! Eleven big DC traction locomotives lift 13000 tons of Carbon County coal up the 2.4% grade of the Price River Canyon. 5 motors up front and 6 more manned helpers 2/3 dee... (more)
Early Evening shadows begin to close in on Price River Canyon bottom as a Utah Railway Coal train charges the 2.4% grade along Highway 6. There was once a center siding here at Nolan that allowed ... (more)
The daily "at the time" Utah coal train for Intermountain Power screams up Solider Summit. Twelve big DC traction 6 motor locomotives move the heavy coal train up the 2.4% plank towards Solider S... (more)
Utah 5001 East slowly pulls its empty Intermountain Power Coal train towards the switch into America Resources's Wild-Cat Load Out.
Utah 5001 West heads up Solider Summit with a train load of Waxy Crude. Note: the old cut down Union Pacific gondola used as a bridge over the Price River. Also note: the horizon is straight but ... (more)
The straight section of track the locomotives are sitting on is the steepest portion of the climb for Solider Summit... A knuckle busting 2.5%! This heavy coal load for Intermountain Power has a... (more)
The Price River Canyon up the 2.4% grade to Soldier Summit is one of the biggest challenges in Western US Railroading. It is also one of the most scenic. Utah 5001 thunders up the grade near ... (more)